Richard Wahl Covid19 Benefit.

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Richard Wahl   3 years ago   Never
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  1. Hello dear,
  2. Hope this email finds you well.
  3. This is a very big news and a special message to you.
  4. I am the winner of 533-Million, in the Mega Millions Jackpot. Due to the current pandemic, I\'ve decided to join other world philanthropists to do what is within my capacity to bring relief to a few people and their local community, globally, through a random selection of web addresses by my financial team.
  5. Your website has surfaced as one of the lucky recipients of this selection and with a heart of warm benevolence, I wish you a big congratulation.
  6. Here is your donation code: RFECD00052027FP
  7. When replying to this email, please ensure you state your donation code for verification by my financial team.
  8. More details are on my YouTube channel.
  10. Contact WhatsApp: +1 (843) 240-4266
  11. contact the finance team by email only when you don't have WhatsApp: [email protected]
  12. Congratulations once again!
  13. Kind regards,
  14. Richard Wahl.